Cooking oil powers eco-friendly event
A CHIP fat-powered sound system and pedaling machine were among unusual eco-friendly devices on show at a pioneering carbon-free festival.
More than 600 visitors got a locally-grown carrot and an energy-saving light bulb at the Party Without Pollution in Wythenshawe Park - thought to be the first event of its kind.
It also featured a solar-powered cinema and art made from recycled rubbish. People saved energy at home and work to offset the carbon emissions required to stage the event.
Phil Korbel from Manchester charity Radio Regen, which partnered the project, said: "The event couldn't have been more different from Wembley and Live Earth.
"The generator was powered by chip fat and there were no limos or private jets. But it was great to see local people enjoying themselves and helping the environment. We're hoping to organise a similar event next year."
The event at Kirkup Gardens, Simonsway, was organised by radio station Wythenshawe FM, as part of a project called Wythenshawe Forever. It aims to encourage residents to save energy and protect the environment.
The focal point was a Soft `power station' made from five shipping containers, which contained a bike-powered photocopier and other energy-saving devices.
Residents experimented with household energy surveys, food growing and carbon-free publishing in the run up to the festival.