by Paul R Taylor
A NEW peace policy has been adopted by Manchester Council to mark the anniversary of the city de¬claring itself a nuclear-free zone.
The council agreed to promote so¬cial inclusion, social justice, good citizenship and peace between the people, cultures and faith communi¬ties it serves. It has distributed post¬ers and leaflets about the new policy.
Cllr Neil Swannick, council plan¬ning and environment chief, said: "Manchester has a long-standing commitment to peace and it is a cor¬nerstone on which Manchester's quality of life is founded.
"Peace cannot be taken for granted. It is hard earned. Those who lost their lives in the first and second world wars did so for peace - not more war. The new peace policy aims to promote the value of peace in our lives, and in our engagement with the wider world.
"I hope people will react positively and be motivated to do something in their community to make peace a lit¬tle more real for them and their neighbours."
On November 5, 1980, the city de¬clared itself a nuclear-free zone and led an international campaign for the abolition of nuclear weapons.